Vq-VAE Methods for Sound Reconstruction 🎻
This Repo Contains Implementation of Vq-VAE methods for sound reconstruction in Pytorch
Signal Processing with Python and Librosa
Voice Reconstruction Using Vq-VAE
This notebook proposes a method on how to reconstruct speech using vq-vae which has been first introduced by Oord et. al
Main difference between Vq-VAE & VAE is that VAE learns a continuous latent representation of a given dataset, but Vq-VAE learns a discrete latent representation of dataset.
At the begining, encoder takes a batch of images with input shape of $X:(n, h, w, c)$ and outputs $Z_{e}:(n, h, w, d)$
Then vector quantization layer takes $Z_{e}$ and for each vector in $Z_{e}$ it selects the nearest vector from the codebook based on $L_{2}$ norm and outputs $Z_{q}$
Finally decoder takes $Z_{q}$ and reconstructs the input $X$.
Detailed View on Vq-VAE Architecture
Reshaping: First of all we need to reshape input from $(n, h, w, d)$ to $(n \times h \times w, d)$ .
Calculating Distances: For each of d-dimensional vectors, we calculate their distance from each $k$, d-dimensional vectors in codebook and get a matrix of $(n \times h \times w, k)$.
Argmin: Next for each row of the matrix, we apply argmin function to get the nearest vector index from codebook and do one-hot encoding no each row (in fact the value of the nearest vector will be 1 and rest would be 0).
Index from Codebook: After that we multiply the one-hotted matrix to the whole codebook and we get a matrix of $(n \times h \times w, d)$ dimension.
Finally we reshape $(n \times h \times w, d)$ to $(n, h, w, d)$ and give it to the decoder to reconstruct the input data
Some High Resolution Constructed Images
[1] https://shashank7-iitd.medium.com/understanding-vector-quantized-variational-autoencoders-vq-vae-323d710a888a
[2] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.00937.pdf
To train vq-vae model I used speech commands tensorflow dataset, for simplicity I just used Right wav files, some wav samples with their spectrograms can be found below:
Reconstructed Sounds:
After ~40k epochs of training the network here are some results with their spectrograms:
Released 2022 by Mehdi Hosseini Moghadam